Monday, December 3, 2012


Hilariosu. Precisey. HASHA. Adoro. Psh. Badlanda. Waddup. Coruse. Jsut. Ncie.


WHOOOOO IS THAT LIGHT I SEE. STARING STRAIGHT. BACK AT ME. IN MY MUG. FULL OF TEA. Because I can. And that's why. Also because going missing on your own blog for almost four months is the thing to do. Jk.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy little clouds.

Something Good Can Work. Walking on a Dream. Rock & Roll Band. Intergalactic. Green and Grey. On the Wing. When Love Takes Over. Everybody Talks. Clocks. Chicago. Best For Last. End of Time. Bohemian Rhapsody. Smooth Criminal.

Happy accidents.

Going all Bob Ross today. This picture wasn't even entirely on purpose. But I do believe that it was slash is sort of successful. As I lay and or lie here typing this, I have come to the realization that my typing style is much like Flint Lockwood's. Crazy. Fast. Flying fingers. I am okay with this.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. That is all.


Small cats again. They just. Words don't.

Photo. Genic.

This small grasshopper creature allowed me to place him for this shot. My favorite grasshopper.

Let's make this happen.

Antsy burritos climb dusty elephants for gallyumphreesic hombres. In jury, kangaroos lounge mercilessly. NOODLES! Orange porcupines quaintly race, stupendously. Timely umpires vary with XTRAORDINARY yuppie zeal.


This is a semi blurry picture of a small butterfly. Enjoy.


Shuffle. Fidelity. Serendipity. Piccalo. Sketchy. Quality. Scandalous. Nonchalantly. Prestigious. Vigorous. Enthralling. Attractive. Vintage. Probability. Intergalactic. Extraordinary. Presh. Adoration. Intriguing. Obscure.

Puss in Boots.

Just imagine Antonio Banderas singing "THESE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR WALKING!" Just imagine it.

More gerps.

Bama. Smuckers. Juicy Juice. Welch's. Here we come. JK. SCARBROUGH STOMACHS AND OBSCURE WINERIES.


LYRICS. Because. Whever not. So I suppose today was a good day. I have just sort of been in a fog all day. Partially because I didn't even put my glasses on until about 2ish. 3ish. Something.


It's always a good time when grapes. Too bad they won't even be eatable for real until fall.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Because sometimes. Hair. Because of reasons.

Hello, my name is:

Smallish white flower and and chicken-wire fence.

It's always a good time when.

Bacon. Tea. Watermelon juice. Swedish fish. Silversten. Halliday. Rayanna. Cass. Bradford. Old pictures. Sleeping. Chilling. Not at the theatre. Not with small children whom I don't love. FOOD. Sam's. Chuck E Cheese. Actual cheese. Scarbrdugh Pizza/Movie nights. Christmas.


...KBORSIP'S FIRST VERTICAL PICTURE! Oh. And Scarbrough grapes too.


More often than not, my titles and captions don't even have anything to do with my pictures. But whatevs. Whever. I just don't even know.


MY INITIALS. THEY ARE ON A TREEEEEEEEEE. They have been for two years. Woohoo. WOOHOO.

Two days slow.

Cinnamon apple tea. Bottled water. T-shirts from Italy. Black olives. Pizza Hut. Smiling. Laughing. When my little brother actually listens. Good times. Bacon.

Presh to death.

Every time I see this little small cat I make a sound that resembles this: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. (o^_^o)


So I know this one ginger who is really unfortunate. I was standing backstage, watching some kids. Mr. Unfortunate walks up to where I am standing, places his arm on the wall beside me, and asks if I would like to smell his armpit. No, Aaron. I'm not even joking right now.

The road less traveled.

This title is deep, right? Just kidding. This is a picture of dirt.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Props, kudos, and hats to Peter for this picture.
Props, kudos, and hats to Mrs. H for this picture.


I literally say this to my brother about 47 times every single day. Just said it, in fact. Or screamed it. Since he just came and scared the jeebers out of me.

Silver linings.

Things that make me happy when skies are grey: Bacon. Haarsey. Kalron. Kaare. Tea. Reading a good book. When skies are actually grey. Some hugs. Food in general. Having a family pizza/movie night. Fireplaces. Chilly weather. Chatting. Pickle chips.

A story.

Once upon a night a fish swam in a mega water fountain. He ate horses for midnight snacks. He had seven babies to take to town. Bob had measles. Awwwww. He said "Quarantine thyself!" George was Bob's handsome hillbilly hobo uncle, twice removed. They're a distant distant relative of AmyJo. She was nocturnal. Being nocturnal, she ate worms all day long. The end.


Whiskers on kittens. Hehehehehehehe :]

Don't let me fall.

Colored pencils. Dr. Pepper jelly beans. Ultra fine point Sharpies. Vintage cameras. Twitter. Soft pretzels. Chai tea. Mozzarella cheese. Chatting. Family members. A few.


This rooster. Drives me up the wall. I find it extremely hilarious how much he amuses my father, though. Dad always has some story about the rooster. Weirdo.

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers.

ESPECIALLY IN THE MONTH OF JULY. Well well well. What have we here. A passion fruit flower. A flower that is passionate about fruit. Or something like that. Nope. I'm just kidding.

Good morning, Starshine!

THE EARTH SAYS HELLO! Such a weird movie. Such such such. Such has no meaning whatsoever anymore. SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH. It's just a jumble of letters that mean nothing. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING. I could go on all day.


Chickens. Merh to chickens. They're so weird. And these guys aren't even laying eggs yet. So all they are are 18 more mouths to feed. But without the wretched creatures, there would be no Chick-Fil-A. So I guess we are at a draw.

Larry. Or Moe. Or Curly.

Kittens. They make me happy. Once they have exited the rat-looking-like stage. But before they enter the adolescent cat stage. Yep. That's when they are my favorite.

Some Nights.

My padre put my bulletin board up last night. I got it for my birthday. 4.5 months ago. It's now finally living on my wall, where it belongs. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

Liiiiiiiiiiight Buuuuuulb.

Funerals. Awkward hugs. Sinus infections. Achy stomachs. Black pepper. Ketchup. Pencils that aren't properly sharpened. Dentist appointments. Some people. Rubber bands. Scratchy throats. These are a few of my least favorite things.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


THIS. Is a bug. I am not really sure what kind. But I don't think it took too kindly to me getting closer and closer to it. But I thought it was fascinating. SURPRISE.

The mome raths.

Owl City. Alice in Wonderland. Tea. Some people. Family fedoras. Old quilts. Trampolines. Journey. Accents. Coconut pie. Reddi Whip. Watermelon juice. Things that make me happy.

Here comes the sun.

This is not really the sun. This is actually a GERBER daisy. GERBER GERBER GERBER. HORSHKEY BORSHKEY HERBER GERBER. The Swedish Chef. We are really twins.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let's go to the Parthenon.

This. Is the Parthenononononon. Went for the first time a few weeks ago, even though we used to live just a small stretch away. It was pretty neat. Not utterly shamazing, but I did enjoy it. It was nice. Although Grace had to shield William's eyes from nudity (in statue and painting form) many a time. Oh, siblings. So amusing.

Amo mea soror.

My sister. We are so different. So very very different. Grace excels in patience and kindness. Kelsey, not so much. Grace is very giving and charitable. Kelsey, not so much. I love her very much. And she is an excellent example for me. Even though she is almost taller than me and asks to borrow my things all the time.

Amo mea frater.

My brother. He is a pretty unique child. He is absolutely hilarious, and most of the time it's not even on purpose. He can dance like no other. He has the biggest heart. And he is pretty adorable. ^^^ Photographic proof. ^^^ Sometimes all of this just hides behind the cray cray demonic almost 10 year old that he is. But this is rare. I always love him.

When tiger eyes begin making you...

Just some random sign for some random store in Nashville. Why was I so fascinated by this? I don't even know. But that's okay. Such is the life of Kelso. It's a good one though. I am blessed. And I love everything.

Video et taceo.

Crazy Medusa head lady on the front of the huuuuuge iron doors of the Parthenon. I was both greatly disturbed and incredibly fascinated. But this is usually how I roll with things. You know.

Long live King Richard!

I love it when this happens. When my kitteh decides to be extra photogenic. And that happens usually never. SO this was a pleasant surprise. Not suprise. Because this is not the correct spelling.

More Than Fine.

So I at least have to put a few pictures up before I make this blog known. Because who wants to look at a blog with one post on it? Not I, said the Kelsey. Today was a wonderful day. That's really all there is to it.

Time for tea.

New blog. Let's do this. The old one is still here of course. And so is But who knows about that one? No one. A few people. Yeah. PICTURES. KELSEY'S BLOG OF SEMI-INTERESTING PHOTOGRAPHS. Yep. Yep. Yep.