Thursday, June 28, 2012


THIS. Is a bug. I am not really sure what kind. But I don't think it took too kindly to me getting closer and closer to it. But I thought it was fascinating. SURPRISE.

The mome raths.

Owl City. Alice in Wonderland. Tea. Some people. Family fedoras. Old quilts. Trampolines. Journey. Accents. Coconut pie. Reddi Whip. Watermelon juice. Things that make me happy.

Here comes the sun.

This is not really the sun. This is actually a GERBER daisy. GERBER GERBER GERBER. HORSHKEY BORSHKEY HERBER GERBER. The Swedish Chef. We are really twins.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let's go to the Parthenon.

This. Is the Parthenononononon. Went for the first time a few weeks ago, even though we used to live just a small stretch away. It was pretty neat. Not utterly shamazing, but I did enjoy it. It was nice. Although Grace had to shield William's eyes from nudity (in statue and painting form) many a time. Oh, siblings. So amusing.

Amo mea soror.

My sister. We are so different. So very very different. Grace excels in patience and kindness. Kelsey, not so much. Grace is very giving and charitable. Kelsey, not so much. I love her very much. And she is an excellent example for me. Even though she is almost taller than me and asks to borrow my things all the time.

Amo mea frater.

My brother. He is a pretty unique child. He is absolutely hilarious, and most of the time it's not even on purpose. He can dance like no other. He has the biggest heart. And he is pretty adorable. ^^^ Photographic proof. ^^^ Sometimes all of this just hides behind the cray cray demonic almost 10 year old that he is. But this is rare. I always love him.

When tiger eyes begin making you...

Just some random sign for some random store in Nashville. Why was I so fascinated by this? I don't even know. But that's okay. Such is the life of Kelso. It's a good one though. I am blessed. And I love everything.

Video et taceo.

Crazy Medusa head lady on the front of the huuuuuge iron doors of the Parthenon. I was both greatly disturbed and incredibly fascinated. But this is usually how I roll with things. You know.

Long live King Richard!

I love it when this happens. When my kitteh decides to be extra photogenic. And that happens usually never. SO this was a pleasant surprise. Not suprise. Because this is not the correct spelling.

More Than Fine.

So I at least have to put a few pictures up before I make this blog known. Because who wants to look at a blog with one post on it? Not I, said the Kelsey. Today was a wonderful day. That's really all there is to it.

Time for tea.

New blog. Let's do this. The old one is still here of course. And so is But who knows about that one? No one. A few people. Yeah. PICTURES. KELSEY'S BLOG OF SEMI-INTERESTING PHOTOGRAPHS. Yep. Yep. Yep.